What started as a collaboration between two friends, Nitesh V. Ranglani & Parzaan Dastur, took the shape of a dependable team that grows stronger with each project. Their maiden project, Pocket Mummy (Short Film) garnered a lot of admiration and an official entry at the 8th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival, 2018, along with nominations for Film, Actor, Actress and Director.
Their journey so far has taken them across the length and breadth of short format content; from youthful digital promos to meaningful family narratives, from humorous and light-hearted ads to hard-hitting and socially woke social experiments, and from star-studded glamorous visuals to fluid emotional music videos.
TCP has garnered a wide spectrum of clientele over the years; from finance management to hospitality, from fashion films to live events, and from world-renowned automobiles to local entrepreneurs. Each of our films is unique and is a product of our sincere effort multiplied with the amazing talent we work with.
The tale continues as we explore new avenues and complex genres. The future is exciting and filled with movie-magic!